Thursday, April 8, 2010

Every day is a new beginning and a new ending...

Pic on the left was taken on the beach this morning, and pic on the right was taken yesterday evening. I just have miscellaneous things to report today, and I'll start with the best...
We just received notice that my son won two writing contests - a local writing contest sponsored by the Jewish Federation regarding lessons learned from the Holocaust, and a national writing contest sponsored by the Colonial Dames of America. I'm so proud of him! He really is quite a writer, and a great person!
We had a "staycation" for spring break, and my parents came for a few days. It is a long drive for them but I think everyone had a good time. Right before Easter my husband and I ate a lunch out with the in-laws. This event was marred by the fact that they gave my son a hard time, via a phone call at 9am Easter Sunday to his cell, about not coming. Mind you, this child has faithfully visited my mother-in-law regularly for years, and just happened to have a job lined up helping a friend. I've been putting up with this kind of attitude for years, but I get steamed when an innocent teenager gets caught in their guilt trips/traps.
The news about teaching jobs in our city and state is not good. Hopefully we will know by June if my husband has a contract; not holding out much hope for myself. The bottom line? A number of teachers won't get one. Time to fill out that McDonald's application....
I'm thankful we are together as a family, and that we have beautiful surroundings to destress in. I try to remember that each day is a new beginning and a new ending.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Seizing the day in a strange new economical world...

I have had this week off from substitute teaching, along with my high school age son and teacher husband. We are having a "staycation," but I am not suffering, with lots of nature walks. I took this pic several days ago on a 4 mile hike.

I've still not heard of any full-time teacher openings in the public or private sector within driving distance of my home, and my husband's school is being reorganized and "reprincipaled," (cute term, don' cha think?) so he is not sure what job he will get, or even if there will be a job, period. Teacher layoffs across the nation are becoming commonplace. It is a strange new world when education is valued so little.

Hmm...what else can I do with my education degree that I haven't already tried? I've done the nonprofit thing, the teacher age 49 too late to train for a new career?

I'm trying to enjoy these beautiful April days, one a time, thankful that I can put one foot in front of the other to get outside, and that I can at least make some money as a substitute.